Competition Scuola Enrico Fermi
Piazza Giacomini 24, TurinThe competition for the renovation and reorganisation of Scuola Enrico Fermi launched by Fondazione Agnelli and Compagnia di San Paolo aimed to encourage reflection and propose a repeatable model not only for renovating but also for rethinking the schools built during the economic boom years. The didactic heart of the building, which emerged from the design shared with the figures who animate the Fermi school and the surrounding neighbourhood, is the cluster: this, understood as a method of functional organisation of teaching spaces and technological devices, falls within a didactic category that makes it possible to manage the school building in small communities that have educational objectives in common. The classroom, the basic element of the cluster, changes from a traditional type of classroom to a technologically advanced place that allows the physical dimension to be overcome through changes in the layout of the furniture. This reconfigures spaces that encourage innovative teaching with laboratory and collaborative approaches.

Fermi will be a school that goes beyond the frontal transmissive model and adopts open active learning schemes, such as “peer education” and “cooperative learning” in which peer teaching constitutes a model of participatory knowledge.
The common areas, defined by large, partially transparent, equipped walls, are flexible places to meet and extend teaching activities. The environments, designed according to the most innovative pedagogical and educational aspects, allow for alternative teaching scenarios and the possible specialisation of classrooms by subject area, through the provision of flexible furniture, instruments, devices, magazines and materials.