ACC Naturale Architettura where the relationship between buildings, materials, nature and people’s well-being is at the center of every projects.

Her journey began with Andrea Bruno in Turin and Renzo Piano in Paris and continued with Negozio Blu, a studio of which she was co-founder and partner and with which in more than twenty years she has created numerous and important works, including the first Eataly in Turin. Since 1995 she has specialized in bio-architecture (Casa Clima and National Institute of Bio-architecture), in recent years in permaculture and synergistic agriculture and in 2016 decided to create ACC Naturale Architettura. Among the most significant achievements, the sociocultural center Workout Pasubio, Parma (2016 competition), the Fontanafredda hotel diffuso (Alba 2017), Green Pea Retail Park 2020, restoration and interior design interventions, urban and landscape redevelopments.
The interest in bioclimatic design and sustainability in architecture led her to attend specialization courses in biocompatibility in design, INBAR and training courses at CasaClima. In recent years she has deepened aspects related to psychophysical well-being (since 2007 she has held Reiki seminars and with the Cerchiodiluce association follows support and training projects for health professionals) and counseling (she conducts courses in bioenergetic practice and since 2016 he has been certificated counsellor by the Institute of Somatorelational Psychology, Milan).

Alessandro Cacioppo
Attilio Michele De Palma
Luisa Dolza
Germana Ravazzolo
Mariangela Risolo
Rocco Scuzzarella
Alberto Castagnino
Loredana Favro
Marco Lagamba
Stefano Franchina
Milena Maccaferri
Jad Mohamad
Luca Vercelli
Ai Studio-Ai Engineering, AIERRE Enginering, AK Ingegneria Geotecnica, CEAS, Advisor to build the future, Coletti Ingegneria, ComunicArch we communicate architecture, Studio Lageard, Negozio Blu Architetti Associati, Fabio Oggero, PlaC Architecture Urban Design, Pi Greco Engineering, Pini Building our future-Swiss, studio S.A.P.I., Studio Noberto Vairano, Studio Vigetti Merlo, 3+progetti, 4U Enginering, Luca Zanini Design e Comunicazione

The studio is located in Borgo Aurora, a highly innovative area of Turin undergoing redevelopment, inside the former industrial building built by Pietro Fenoglio in the early twentieth century and then rebuilt after the bombings of July 1943. After the war, the Swiss company Chocolat Tobler had chosen Turin and this building to set up its only branch abroad. In 2009 it was transformed into an office and residential building in which the central element is a courtyard where large terraces and gardens overlook a common garden.