Masterplan | Fossano ex-Foab area
Via Bongioanni, via Circonvallazione, Fossano, CuneoThe masterplan of the disused area where the Bongioanni group’s foundries worked throughout the 20th century, close to the railway and the historic center, intends to mend a torn urban fabric. Founded in 1907 as Officina Manfredi di Mondovì and Fonderie Bongioanni di Fossano, the Foab has long been a pillar of industry and of the city’s identity itself, and today the old production complex, a monument of industrial archeology, is a “ghost town “In full urban environment. The project concerned the variant of the urban plan to make it possible to recover the existing break in the urban structure and bring the city, the historic center and the crucial area beyond the railway closer together, enhance the opportunities and opportunities for social use of the environment and reduce the levels of congestion and criticality in the functioning of urban mobility.

The variants to the Fossano Master Plan are an opportunity to rethink the destiny of this important and now central quadrant of the city. The general objective of this proposal is to create new urban polarities (directional and of territorial importance) in the area of the plant to the west of the railway in order to qualify the city of industry and services, while at the same time making it possible to adopt suitable urban planning measures to safeguard the unity of the production sector and avoid processes of separation and erosion of the areas; reconnecting the two parts of the city (the eastern residential part and the western productive part) by building a railway subway; recovering the disused strip of tracks for urban use without compromising the rank and functionality of Fossano’s railway junction; recovering disused areas.