Barca and Bertolla districts Masterplan

Turin, Barca and Bertolla districts

The feasibility study outlined a unitary framework of interventions to be carried out in the Barca and Bertolla districts in the north-eastern part of the city of Turin, places awaiting transformation and rebirth. In order to implement the building projects envisaged by the Piedmont Region’s housing programme, and to mend a peripheral urban fabric that is also isolated from the rest of the city by the rivers, one of which is located in a bend in the Po River and the other where the Stura flows into it, the study was developed to increase the supply of low-cost housing, in order to provide a concrete response to the diverse expectations of the weakest and most disadvantaged citizens, and to redevelop and create public spaces and services.

To this end, the areas that could potentially allow the realisation of public housing projects have been identified: the various alternatives have been analysed, both in terms of location and implementation methods, highlighting the different degrees of difficulty in each case and the solutions that are most easily pursued, especially in the short term. In the same way, the study, analysing the entire territory, identifies the set of interventions that are intended to be promoted, both in the short and long term, to restructure and redevelop the Barca and Bertolla districts, also resorting to the use of PRG variants.

ADDRESS Turin, Barca and Bertolla districts
Year 2008
Professional services Feasibility study
Designers G. Ambrosini, C. Catino, P. Gatti, C. Grometto, M. Penna (Negozio Blu) with Studio Mellano, Turin